visibility on

If your business offers something for Öland's visitors, we offer you the opportunity to appear on completely free of charge. Maybe you have accommodation, activity, restaurant, farm shop, flea market or similar. Read more about the different options below. If you have any questions, just contact us at [email protected] we will help you.

visibility on

If your business offers something to Öland's visitors, for example accommodation, restaurant, activity, flea market, then your business can have the opportunity to appear on completely free of charge. 

Welcome to send in a request and we will help you with publication on 


sign up for the calendar

Öland offers events for all ages and tastes. We offer everyone who arranges public events the opportunity to appear in the calendar at

Please read through our guidelines, fill in the form and submit to the calendar at 


when are you open?

We at Öland & Co market Öland all year round and your company is important in the communication of our island! There is therefore a great interest in knowing when your business is open so that we communicate current information and tips about companies that are open and receive visitors regardless of the time of year!

Your answers are valuable to us in our work to market Öland. Thank you very much for taking 5 minutes to answer the form.


competence supply

When you need to recruit, we help you find valuable skills. We at Öland & Co have developed a website where job opportunities in the hospitality industry on Öland are collected.

The site is currently being marketed in social media with the goal of positioning Öland as an attractive place to work. Take the opportunity to market your vacant positions. 


do you have bicycle-friendly accommodation?

Now we want to be even better at welcoming and reaching the cyclist! As part of that work, we have delved into the target group and produced a checklist for bicycle-friendly accommodation. The accommodation that fulfills the checklist is awarded the USP cycle-friendly accommodation at This means that the accommodation will be searchable as bicycle-friendly on the website and will also appear on the bicycle page for which we run campaigns.


publish your package on 

Many visitors request packages and at we offer the island's businesses to publish their packages to create visibility and more opportunities for purchase. Click through to the form and submit your package and we will publish it on the web. Remember to contact us in the event of changes to your offer.