Hike in the World Heritage Site, Nunnedalen

Hike in the World Heritage Site, Nunnedalen

Nunnedalen lies just south of Vickleby and is a narrow strip of deciduous forest on the edge of the western land castle. During the spring, the ground here is covered with blue, white and yellow sedges.

Spring onions and several species of nun's herb also grow here, just to name a few of the rich flora found here. The ivy spreads over a large area and winds its way up many of the tallest oak and ash trunks. There is also a small altar here where gatherings and weddings sometimes take place. Along the crest of the land castle runs the Landborgsleden and along its foot stretches the Paradisstigen, with a total length of 4 km. This is probably a very old route between the churches in Resmo and Vickleby. There are two car parks along road 136 adjacent to the area.

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