On the edge of Stora Alvaret in southern Öland, Capellagården is located in the middle of the beautiful terraced village of Vickleby. Here, the visionary furniture designer Carl Malmsten and the pedagogue Siv Malmsten founded a school for design work. Today, you can take short courses here or multi-year art and culture courses in furniture, textiles, ceramics, building care and gardening.
Capellagården, with its beautiful houses, gardens and cultural environment, is also a popular destination. Here is the organic nursery with its garden shop, which is open from Easter to the end of September. During the summers, there is a summer exhibition with the students' work, the craft shop is open with unique arts and crafts, the garden cafe offers coffee and a light lunch. At any time of the year, you are most welcome to stroll around and enjoy the garden. Read more about the location and opening hours on the website.