Radby in Hulterstad

Radby in Hulterstad

Hulterstad is a village in southeastern Öland and also a church village in Hulterstad's parish. To the east of the village lies Göran's dam, a renovated wetland with a great diversity of species. To the west of the village lies Stora alvaret. The village has 55 inhabitants (according to figures from 2010). Just south of the village there is a burial field from the Iron Age and a ship grave from the Viking Age. A terraced village is characterized by the fact that the farms are in a row, often along a village street. The World Heritage Site of Southern Öland

Hulterstad is a village in southeastern Öland and also a church village in Hulterstad's parish. To the east of the village lies Göran's dam, a renovated wetland with a great diversity of species. To the west of the village lies Stora alvaret. The village has 55 inhabitants (according to figures from 2010). Just south of the village there is a burial ground from the Iron Age and a ship grave from the Viking Age.

A terraced village is characterized by the fact that the farms are in a row, often along a village street. The world heritage Södra Öland's agricultural landscape consists of the row villages, the cultivated land, the lake lands and Stora alvaret.