Travel in Sweden 2021

New survey results: Öland - the destination that most visitors want to return to

For the fourth year in a row, the destination network SNDMO, Swedish Network of Destination Management Organizations, has conducted the Travel in Sweden survey. Even 2021 has influenced and been shaped by the corona pandemic. In the wake of the ongoing pandemic, Swedes' behavior and attitudes towards traveling within Sweden have changed; the survey clearly shows the great interest in coastal areas and big cities.

Results for Öland - the destination that most visitors want to return to 

Öland gets very good numbers throughout the survey and for the fourth year in a row, Öland is the destination with the highest NPS value of all 42 destinations (a loyalty index that measures the propensity to recommend an experience). Öland ends up at 62, which can be compared to the average of 12. The visitors give Öland the highest rating of all the 42 destinations in three categories. According to Swedes on holiday, Öland has the best range of excursions, is the place that exceeded most expectations and is the destination most people would like to return to. 

- For the fourth year in a row, Öland's hospitality industry receives fantastic ratings from our guests. It has once again been a very special year, but despite this, Öland has received and greeted visitors in a very nice way. A receipt for the industry for the incredible work it does year after year, says Johan Göransson, tourism director on Öland. 

In the majority of questions, Öland's average value is above average. Sweden's smallest landscape is considered to have the second best atmosphere after Kinnekulle, and in terms of pleasant reception and range of attractions, Öland ends up in bronze place. 

- The demand for outdoor activities and excursions has continued to be great this year as well. We also see that there is a great demand for eating good food and drink. The variety of activities we have on the island is one of Öland's strengths, together with the fine hospitality and the good atmosphere that is so important for a destination, concludes Johan Göransson. 

Compared to 2020, the results show that slightly more have traveled in Sweden during the summer and 8 out of 10 people state that they want to see more of Sweden in the future. Every second respondent (49 percent) has chosen the option that they want to travel more in Sweden in 2022. Only 4 percent say they plan to travel less in 2022 than in 2021. Younger people are more likely than older people to want to travel more in 2022. 

- We see an increase in domestic travel and there are many who say that they want to experience more, every second respondent has chosen the option that they want to travel more in Sweden in 2022, says Helena Bovin, chairman of SNDMO. 

Climate-smart travel is important to the respondents, 63 percent state that they think it is important to think climate-smart when choosing a trip. The younger the respondents, the more important they think climate-smart travel is, although the difference between the age groups is not that great. 

The purpose of the Travel in Sweden survey is, in addition to the pandemic-related questions, to analyze over time the habits and preferences of Swedish travelers regarding traveling in Sweden. The most important thing when choosing a holiday destination is that the people in the city/at the place have a pleasant attitude, closely followed by the place having a good atmosphere. 

About SNDMO:
The Swedish Network of Destination Management Organisations, abbreviated SNDMO, is a non-political, non-profit association. Members of the association are municipalities or destination organizations that work with destination development in Sweden's larger municipalities. The association's most important purpose is to be a forum for knowledge transfer in destination development. 

About the Survey Travel in Sweden:
The survey has been carried out by the company Research One on behalf of SNDMO. In the survey, 7335 Swedes over the age of 18 were asked about travel habits and attitudes. The survey was carried out during the period 8-18 September. 

The tourism organization in Öland's Municipal Association shall be responsible for and drive the development of issues related to tourism for the whole of Öland. The tourism organization must plan, communicate and develop Öland as an attractive destination for tourists both nationally and internationally. The mission is to contribute to Öland being a good place to live and visit.

Listen to Rickard Holmberg on Reasearch One as he goes through Öland's figures in the player below. 



Marcus Carlsson

Tf. tourist manager,
Öland's Tourism Organization

+0485 88-805
[email protected]