Job - Hotel Borgholm
Job - Hotel Borgholm
Job - Hotel Borgholm

Job - Hotel Borgholm

Hotell Borgholm is Öland's leading hotel and restaurant and belongs to the top tier of Swedish restaurants. Few businesses can show such a solid track record of adepts who have worked at the hotel. Tommy Myllymäki, Tom Sjöstedt and Stefan Ekengren to name a few. The hotel has several restaurants and is looking for chefs, waiters and summer staff who are ambitious with their careers.

Services we are looking for:

Serving (butler, waiter/waitress
breakfast host/hostess etc.)
Kitchen (cook, refrigerator, etc.)
Kitchen & Restaurant Assistant (varying work in kitchen & restaurant)
Cafe & Bakery

We have the opportunity to assist with housing agency, continuous internal training and study visits to producers and other businesses. Favorable staff discounts and contacts for events on Öland.