Högby lighthouse

Högby lighthouse

Högby lighthouse is a lighthouse site on a headland about three kilometers east of Löttorp in northern Öland.

Högby lighthouse and watchman's residence are architectural monuments and were designed by the head of the lighthouse engineering office in Stockholm, Johan Höjer. The lighthouse was first built for the large craft and industry exhibition in 1897 in Stockholm. After the exhibition, it was taken down and ferried to Öland, where it was set up in 1898 in Högby. It is a steel construction with so-called Heidenstam trusses.

The lighthouse keeper's residence was built in 1898 with two, today combined, apartments, one for the lighthouse keeper and one for the lighthouse keeper. In the basement floor there were storage areas for food and tools as well as kerosene for the operation of the lighthouse. The lower level of the house is covered with cut granite from Blå Jungfrun and otherwise with cut limestone. The lighthouse and lighthouse keeper's residence in private area.