The ferry town
Färjestaden is the largest town on Öland. There are a number of restaurants and cafés in the charming marina. While the sun sets over the strait you can jump off the quayside for an evening dip, with the bridge as a beautiful backdrop. Located right across from Kalmar, Färjestaden has always been the natural center for ferries over the Kalmar Strait.
The first recorded traffic dates back to the 13th century. When the Öland bridge was completed in 1972 and the ferry service ended, the Kalmarsundsbolaget had been operating across the strait for 106 years. Today, cyclists and pedestrians can cross the strait with the Dessi ferry service during the summer months.
The mill king
At the top of the hill in Björnhovda is a row of three windmills. The largest is called Kvarnkungen (the king mill) and is Europe's biggest post mill. Just north of it stands a Dutch windmill called Drottningen (the queen). And further north is a smaller post mill called Prinsen (the prince).