Brasserie Tack o Bock
Brasserie Tack o Bock
Brasserie Tack o Bock

Brasserie Tack o Bock

A restaurant with decent ingredients and a wide range of food and drinks - just the way you want it!

A restaurant further down the water where we run a little wider and a more normal concept, of course with the same goal of delivering good quality on local ingredients. The kitchen serves everything from a classic sirloin steak to something completely normal like a French fish stew.

We're also a bit nerdy when it comes to our drinks. We've a cocktail and wine bar, over 50 different types of beer and our own brewery in the restaurant!

A restaurant should not be called a brasserie unless a wider beer bar is operated or, above all, self-made beer is served. We brew weekly and sometimes you will feel a smell of freshly baked bread, Wait 2 weeks, then we have the taste of the smell you feel!

We like to classify ourselves as fun-dining,
A brasserie simply!

! NOTE! No bookings by email


  • White Guide
  • TripAdvisor - Restaurant
  • 4,5 star

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