Booking conditions
Here you will find our booking and travel conditions and information on how to make a cancellation. If you have questions or want help booking, canceling or changing your booking, contact Öland's Tourist Office.
phone: +46(0)485 - 888 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Covid -19 and booking private accommodation
The Swedish government has approved travel within Sweden for everyone who is symptom-free.
We all have a responsibility to follow and stay up to date on the restrictions that exist. Show consideration for each other, the rules of places to visit and accommodation, for example keep your distance and stay at home in case of cold symptoms. Accommodation, restaurants and places to visit have adapted their activities to prevent the spread of infection.
The residents booked through Öland's Tourist Board will continue to follow our regular cancellation rules. You will find our booking conditions on this page: Booking conditions. In other respects, we refer to any credit card insurance or home insurance where you as a customer may have extended protection.
In the event that new restrictions arise that make it impossible to carry out an activity or access to accommodation, the booking conditions will be eased and an offer to advance the booking or refund will be offered.
Cancellation of accommodation no later than 10 days before arrival SEK 500 in administrative fee.
The above supplement to the cancellation policy applies from 17 November 2020 and until further notice. The terms may change in the event of new restrictions being added.