Charlotte Carlqvist
I work with mixed techniques with an increasing focus on textiles. My art often follows a theme so even if the techniques vary, everything is connected, like a common thread. I show my art both at Galleri Kårehamn and in Galleri Tiondeladan.
For me, the process to the art is the most important. Everything I do is connected in different ways - all threads lead to each other in different ways. I have been working with thoughts about roots, what we have with us and what we pass on. I work in different techniques and like to mix materials, including acrylic painting, watercolour, textile creation and collage.
I show my art during the Art Landscape both in Galleri Tiondeladan and in Galleri Kårehamn.
I show my art during the Art Landscape both in Galleri Tiondeladan and in Galleri Kårehamn.