love Öland carefully

It is a privilege to take part in the changing nature on Öland. At the same time, nature here is fragile and many areas are very valuable for the ecosystem. That's why we love Öland in a careful way, so that we can also take part in everything that makes Öland unique in the future.

Cycling in Borgholm


You can cycle both in the countryside and on private roads. Avoid wet ground that is easily damaged by cycle tracks. Remember to show consideration for hikers and others you meet on paths and trails.

Picnic in Sandbergen

take the trash with you

All littering is prohibited. Broken glass, cans, plastic, cigarette butts, fishing lines and other rubbish can harm both people and animals. If you find someone else's rubbish along the way, you are welcome to pick it up too!

Helena Elm - Penåsa Rest Area

fire safely

You can make a fire in nature under safe conditions. Choose safe fireplaces. When it is dry there may be fire bans, it is your responsibility to stay up to date on the latest recommendations.

Dog at Borgholm Castle

bring the dog

To protect wild mammals and birds, you must take responsibility for your dog, often a leash is a good solution. This is especially important during the spring and summer when the animals have young. In many natural areas, grazing animals can also walk, it is important that you follow signs and keep your dog on a leash to avoid accidents.

Sunset in Djupvik

wild picked

You can freely pick flowers, berries and mushrooms in nature, but some plants are protected and therefore may not be picked, for example all Öland's orchids. You must also not break off branches from living trees and bushes.

Mobile home

drive in nature

It is forbidden to drive motorized vehicles in nature because it damages the land and can disturb animals and people. Öland's minor roads border very sensitive nature and it is important not to drive off the road or park outside marked areas.

protected nature on Öland

Öland has a unique and very sensitive nature and there are many who want to experience it. This is great fun but makes demands on you as visitors and us as reserve managers. We need to help each other so that the sensitive nature will not be harmed and that you as a visitor will have a nice experience. 

Not disturb not destroy

Allemansrätten gives us freedom under responsibility - do not disturb, do not destroy. Of course, this also applies in our protected areas. Access to outdoor life is important to all of us, it was not least noticeable last year when an extra large number of people chose to vacation in Sweden. When many people want to be in nature, it is especially important that we show consideration for nature and for the people we meet there. Simple things to keep in mind are keeping your dog on a lead, cycling and riding with good judgment and closing gates to pastures you pass.

Reservation regulations - why?

On Öland there are 91 nature reserves, so you can find your own "gem". At the reserve's entrance there is a board with information, where you can read about nature and the regulations that apply to the area. It can feel rigid and boring with prohibitions, but the regulations are there to protect nature and make our experience that little extra, so read the board before entering the reserve. It is conceivable that the right of access does not fully apply in a protected area where there are regulations. Camping and staying overnight, riding and cycling are things that may be regulated. Please plan your visit in advance to avoid disappointment on site.

Plan your visit

There is high pressure on the nature reserve's visitor facilities such as parking lots, dustbins and toilets in Kalmar county this year. Especially the nature reserves in northern Öland are very well visited during weeks 24 – 32. It is worst during weeks 28 – 31 and we therefore ask you to plan your visit for another time or an alternative nature area. If you still choose northern Öland and the car park is full when you arrive, have a backup plan. Do not park the car along the road or park incorrectly so that accessibility for emergency services is reduced. 

The County Administrative Board has produced a new Excursion Guide to some of the county's most visited natural and cultural areas, which we hope will serve as a good planning basis for your visit. It is available digitally on our website; Discover Kalmar county, but also in printed form at tourist offices and nature centers in the county. You can also collect a copy from us at the County Administrative Board in Kalmar.

Have more people discovered the favorite place?

Toilet paper fluttering in the bushes and left behind disposable grills. Not what you want to be met with on your excursion, right? In many places there are dustbins, feel free to use them but if they are full, take the rubbish back home. If you use our dry bags, don't throw anything but toilet paper in them. If the parking lot is full at your particular favorite spot, make a backup plan. There are many nice places on Öland and you will surely find your very own place with a little planning.

Fire is cozy but requires knowledge

Fires are not always allowed in the nature reserves. Check the signs near the entrances or on the web before starting a fire. Bring your own firewood or coal, you must never use dry branches from the reserve to make a fire. These are very important for many insects, mosses and lichens. On Öland it is often dry in the summer and think about where and how you make a fire so there is no risk of the fire spreading. Check the County Administrative Board's website before, as there are often fire bans in summer.

Build stone towers

A popular occupation is building stone towers, mainly on pebble beaches but also in the agricultural landscape where there are cairns in pasture. It is not forbidden to build stone towers on the beach, but sometimes it becomes a problem. When the beautiful coastline is completely broken up by hundreds of stone towers, you spoil the experience for many of your fellow visitors. Some stone towers are built so high and with such large stones that if they were to fall, they would be directly dangerous for children and dogs. When you use stones from old cultivation heaps, you are actually committing a crime. Besides that, it is something to think of all the farmers who toiled to put up the cairns once upon a time, to let the stones be is to respect their work and our Hultur history.


where can you drive and park?

Öland is an island that many people experience with the help of their car, motorhome or caravan. It can be tempting to drive out onto the beach or out into the sea to a secluded spot. You don't get that, neither in the reserves nor outside. The Off-Road Driving Act applies here. The ground on Öland is sensitive and is easily broken. Wheel tracks that you leave behind remain for a long time. Park only in places that are clearly marked as parking spaces. Always check the signage on site.


Parking lots at the nature reserves

Our car parks are sized for reserve visitors. Therefore, it is not permitted to take up these parking spaces for camping/overnight stay. During the season, security companies will monitor that the rules are followed. This is so that as many people as possible have access to our common protected areas. Follow the current signage at each car park and feel free to check the regulations before visiting our website Destinations. In this way, you will not be disappointed on site if your plans clash with what is permitted.

The coastal road in northern Öland

Along the north of Öland from Äleklinta in the south to Byxelkrok in the north, Kustvägen runs. It is a narrow and winding road with a very nice view of Kalmar Sound. In recent years, this road has become very popular for visitors, both by car, motorhome and bicycle. The road is narrow and in many sections a rather bad gravel road. The road is not part of any protected nature, except when it passes through some of our reserves, but it is part of the cycle path Ölandsleden and is widely used by families with children. During the weeks in the summer when there are the most visitors on Öland, this is not a suitable road for larger and heavier vehicles such as motorhomes as it is basically impossible to meet in width and the meeting places are few. It can mean congestion and long queues, so preferably choose a different time of year for your visit along the coast road, especially if you are coming by motorhome. It is forbidden to drive off the road to meet or to park. Parking may only take place in designated parking areas and overnight stays in designated areas.


7 sustainable holiday tips

1. Hemestra = climate smart
Choosing a destination in your immediate region and making domestic trips makes a big difference to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Is it possible to choose a method of travel to your holiday destination with less climate impact? 

2. Discover the local area by bicycle 
Öland is best experienced by bicycle. Here you get the wind in your hair, the scents of elves and sea and time to look around. In addition, you contribute to Öland's sensitive nature along the small roads not being worn out. 

3. Save on water 
On Öland it is often dry. Precipitation during the year is small, especially during the summer. Therefore, it is important to be economical with the water so that there is enough for everyone. Irrigation ban applies in summer.

4. Conscious environmental thinking 
Take your conscious environmental thinking from everyday life with you on holiday as well. Save water, recycle trash, turn off the light and eat seasonally. 

5. Shop locally produced and locally grown 
Be sure to select the local options when you're there. Then you support the local small producers and their production. 

6. Sustainable companies 
Show the companies that you value sustainable thinking. For example, when you are at a restaurant, ask if the meat is Swedish. 

7. Bell on the beach 
There is a lot of plastic in our nature. Take a bag with you and make a contribution to the oceans and beaches. Go out and pick - bell!

Sailboat outside Köpingsvik
Good to know
Read more

together we stop the spread of African swine fever!

Since African swine fever was detected in the municipalities of Fagersta and Norberg in Västmanland county, intensive work is underway to combat the disease within the infected zone. At present, there is no concern that the infection will spread outside the contagious zone. But in order for this not to change, we all need to help each other to prevent African swine fever from spreading in Sweden.
Here's what you can do as residents and visitors:


  • Throw your food scraps in the garbage. Do not leave them in the fields after a picnic or at roadside rest areas.
  • Compost your food waste in a closed container that feral pigs cannot enter.
  • If you find sick or dead wild boar, you must report it to the State Veterinary Medical Institute (SVA) via their reporting function.
Why is it important to fight African swine fever?

African swine fever is a painful and fatal disease for wild boar and domestic pigs. The disease can infect humans and other animals, but the fight against it affects how and where we are allowed to move.


  • The disease outbreak is costly as the control work requires large personnel and material resources.
  • If the disease spreads to more areas and to domestic pig herds, it will have a major impact on our food production and food supply.
  • The outbreak affects other countries' willingness to import Swedish pork.


It may take several years to eradicate African swine fever in Sweden, but the first months are the most critical for stopping the spread of infection. If we are helped to follow the restrictions that apply in the infected zone and work preventively in the rest of the country, the conditions for success look bright.


it is still safe to eat meat from wild boar and pig.

Swedish wild boar and pork are still safe to eat. You don't have to empty the freezer of your wild boar or pork meat, throw away what you bought in the store or choose the type of meat when you eat at a restaurant. Continue to support our Swedish pig farmers, food producers, restaurants, hunters and game handling facilities.

more information

At Jordbruksverket and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, SVA, you will find up-to-date information about African swine fever and the ongoing outbreak.

Read more about African swine fever